Waza Juego APK (Latest v2.0) Download For Android

Waza Juego APK is a fun way for young children to learn to count. It also simplifies ancient art techniques. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices. It is recommended for children as young as four years old. However, you may find the original version of the Waza Juego APK on this site. Therefore, if you are looking for this particular app, you should first read the description.

About Waza Juego APK

Waza Juego is an Android application designed for young children. It teaches kids to count using dashes and is developed by three young people from the Comoros Islands. It is not yet available in the Google Play Store but you can download the application directly from this webpage. To install the app, you should have a working internet connection.

The techniques in Waza Juego vary in difficulty, with the first being the most basic and simplest. The next level involves the use of more complex techniques that involve a thorough study of different areas of the body. A suwari waza, for example, requires the acondicionment of the caderas, piernas, and espalda. In addition to this, the techniques require precise instruction.

The app works on Android, iOS, Blackberry, and Windows Phone devices. It features a built-in traffic system and also allows you to connect with other drivers. It also helps you to save time and money.


If you’re looking for a GPS navigation app for your Android phone, you can’t go wrong with Waza Juego. Its developer, Waza Juego Mobile, has made the app available for all major mobile platforms, including Android, iOS, Blackberry, and Windows Phone.

It also gives you real-time traffic information from other drivers. If you’re stuck in traffic, Waza Juego lets you connect with other drivers and find the shortest route.

The app helps you learn the concept of numbers, which is important for children. It also helps you understand the dashed number feature. It’s available for tablets and smartphones and was created by three adolescents from the Comoros Islands.

Waza uses GPS and cellular coverage, so it’s accessible anywhere. The app also lets you see your friends’ routes and tells you where petrol stations are located.


The download process for the Waza Juego application is straightforward. Simply visit this website and click on the download button. This will bring up a window with a few options. After clicking on the first option, the next step is to allow the applications. Once you have done that, the download process should take a few seconds.


Waza Juego is an adaptation of judo, a traditional Japanese martial art that was created by Jigoro Kano in the nineteenth century. The game requires physical endurance and strength, but it also teaches valuable lessons and personal development. Jigoro Kano developed judo as a way of teaching people to control their bodies and fight with each other without the use of weapons.

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